Inversion Ankle Sprains: By Erik Orlando, MSPT

Coming into Spring every year there is a common sports or recreational injury called inversion ankle sprain.  It plagues weekend warriors as much as athletes playing various sports this time of year.  Sprains of this nature add up to 40% of all athletic injuries and 25% of inability to play in the sport or recreational activities.  They are often recurrent in nature and could lead to a chronic painful condition.  There are four levels of ankle sprain of this kind: Grade one is ATF or anterior talofibular ligament sprain only, Grade two is ATF ligament and Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) sprain, Grade three is ATF and CFL ligament tear and Grade four is ATF, CFL and PTFL posterior talofibular ligaments all torn.  Each grade of ankle sprain has its own presentation and problems.  However, they are all treatable with conservative physical therapy. Physical therapy treatment has great success rates for all grades of sprain listed above.  Starting with acute treatments such as ultrasound, electric stimulation to later stages of rehabilitation including PNF and closed kinetic chain exercises. A solid program of intervention will get any athlete or weekend warrior back to the activities they love.   Any questions about Inversion ankle sprain feel free to call Advanced Rehabilitation to speak to a physical therapist.  


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