1. What is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy is service that seeks to restore quality of life and return an individual to his/her prior level of function. Physical therapy utilizes exercise/ activities, hands-on-techniques, patient education, gait training, modalities and other services on an as needed basis to achieve these goals.
Physical therapy is provided to you by a physical therapist and/ or a physical therapist assistant. Both of which utilize expertise in movement to gear your treatment plan towards you specifically.
2. What kind of training does my Physical Therapist have?
The current entry level degree for physical therapists is a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy (6 - 7 years of university). Physical Therapists were previously required to have a Masters degree in Physical Therapy (5 - 6 years of university). Prior to this time period, physical therapists were required to have a Bachelor degree in Physical Therapy (4 years of university).
All physical therapists have studied orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics, pediatrics, cardiovascular, pulmonology, biology, anatomy, physiology, psychology and more. Prior to being allowed to practice independently, physical therapists participate in clinical experiences. These clinical experiences are a lot like internships. A physical therapist student is placed with a supervising physical therapist that provides a real life training scenario.
Physical therapists also have the ability to pursue specializations, certifications, and further credentializations. For example, Jason Balogh, PT, MSPT, Cert. MDT, is certified in McKenzie.
3. What is the purpose of Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy is a treatment approach geared towards restoring quality of life and assisting individuals in returning to their prior level of function with respect to mobility. An evaluation is used to objectify barriers to typical movement. These barriers are then addressed with treatment that is individualized to meet the patient’s needs.
4. Where can I receive Physical Therapy Services?/ Can I go to any Physical Therapy clinic?
Contrary to popular belief, you can go to physical therapy at whichever clinic YOU choose to go to. Your physician may be affiliated with an insurance provider, but this does not mean that you have to go to that clinic. I provide services for Advanced Rehabilitation.
Advanced Rehabilitation is a privately owned outpatient physical therapy clinic that accepts most insurances. Advanced Rehabilitation is offered on the West side of Erie, East side of Erie and in Girard, Pennsylvania.
If you are currently residing in your home/ apartment, you are looking for an outpatient physical therapy service. If you happen to go to a hospital, services can be provided to you there. Your child may be eligible for physical therapy services at an outpatient therapy service or a pediatric physical therapy center.
If you are unsure of where to go, give us a call (814)-324-0770.
5. Do I really have to do my home program?
This one made me laugh out loud. Yes, yes, yes! Each patient’s program is designed and geared towards helping that specific patient. Each home program is designed and adapted as needed. Repetitions and frequency of home exercises are just as important as the exercises themselves.
The analogy I often utilize is, exercise frequency and repetitions are a lot like a medication prescription. If a Dr. tells you it is necessary to take this pill two times a day, you can’t double the daily dosage and hope it doubles your benefits. You could hurt yourself that way. The opposite is true, if a Dr. tells you it is necessary to take this pill two times a day and you only take it 1 time per day, three days a week, you will not receive the benefits of the pill.
If the home program doesn’t feel right for you, then this is a discussion that is necessary to have with your physical therapist as soon as possible. Be open and honest about your home program. Your physical therapist wants to help you. Adaptations will be made to accommodate you.
6. Do I need a referral from my Doctor in order to receive Physical Therapy Services?
Every insurance provider has a different answer to this question. For example, Medicare patients require a physical therapy script, however, blue cross blue shield patients do not require a referral from their doctor. If you are unsure as to whether your insurance allows direct access (to be seen without a referral), please give us a call. We will be glad to assist you and answer your specific questions.
7. Why choose physical therapy care over another type of provider?
Prior to becoming a physical therapist, I was a high school athlete. I ran track and field, and eventually tore my meniscus in my right knee. I was immediately referred to physical therapy where my knee was examined. I was diagnosed on the day of my evaluation. My physical therapist developed a treatment plan specific to meeting my needs. Fast forward 11 years later, I can still run and have absolutely zero pain.
I went to Gannon University for 7 years and received extensive education in orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics, pediatrics, anatomy, physiology, and many other topics. I then had 4 clinicals which totaled 1 years worth of experience. I, then, became a physical therapist. Four years later, here we are.
Some of our providers have many years of experience. For example, Sean Seth, CEO of Advanced Rehabilitation, PT, Cert. MDT, has 30+ years of experience. Jeffrey Williams, PT, MPT, Cert. MDT of Advanced Rehabilitation has nearly 30 years of experience.
Physical therapists are movement experts. Physical therapy is a non - invasive approach which allows your plan to be geared specifically to you. Physical therapy’s ability to assist individuals in healing has been extensively researched.
Your physical therapist, your physician, your orthopedic specialists, and all of your healthcare providers are part of YOUR team. Your team’s goal is to get you better, restore your function, improve your quality of life, and help you reach your personal goals.
8. Why does Physical Therapy take so long?
The duration in which a patient participates in physical therapy varies based on the individual and his/ her clinical presentation. Some conditions tend to take longer to heal, while others respond quickly. Physical therapy assists your body in healing optimally and ensuring that you can achieve your goals. Physical therapy can not change the amount of time that it takes tissue to heal. For example, bone takes 6 - 8 weeks to heal following a fracture. Physical therapy can not change this. What physical therapy can do is ensure that your range of motion is restored/ maintained, as well as your strength, so that when the bone is healed, you have an easier transition back to work, back to sports, etc.
9.Can my Physical Therapist provide me with a diagnosis?
Your physical therapist is able to diagnose musculoskeletal problems, such as: plantar fasciitis, iliotibial syndrome, greater trochanteric bursitis, rotator cuff partial tear, osteoarthritis, patellofemoral syndrome and more. Your physical therapist can not diagnose other conditions, such as: cancer, acid reflux, etc, however, your physical therapist can help guide you to the appropriate provider if your problem does not appear to be musculoskeletal in origin.
10. Why is Physical Therapy a good choice?
Yes, physical therapy is an excellent choice for conditions such as: low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, ankle problems, difficulty ambulating, difficulty moving, tennis elbow, rotator cuff pathologies, shoulder pain, and any musculoskeletal condition.
Research supports physical therapy intervention and its ability to improve your quality of life and assist you in returning to your prior level of function. The beauty of physical therapy is that this is a non - invasive intervention and allows you to be a major part of your care.
Physical therapy is geared towards you and your specific presentation. You will be treated as an individual, and not a diagnosis.
Final Thoughts:
With any questions regarding physical therapy,
Please feel free to contact us here at Advanced Rehabilitation at (814) 324-0770.