Importance of Physical Therapy After Abdominal Surgery- By: Jeffrey Williams PT, Cert MDT

If you have had, or are planning to have, abdominal surgery, it may be important to see a Physical Therapist. Abdominal surgeries are similar to any other orthopedic surgery in that they are usually invasive and can lead to extended periods away from work or normal daily activities. The lack of function and pain associated with these surgeries can be incapacitating for people. Depending on the type of surgery your muscles will be weakened as the incision will be done to the muscles and fascia of the abdominal wall. This will impact core strength, balance, and disrupt normal posture. Depending on the severity of the surgery you may be bed bound for an extended period of time. This will have an effect on general conditioning and possibly have an effect on breathing ability. 

The most common types of abdominal surgeries are hernia repair, IBD, C-sections, surgeries related to Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. They may also include bariatric surgery or any procedure done to the organs of the abdominal cavity. 

Most abdominal surgeries require a brief wait time up to a couple weeks other than breathing exercises and light activity such as walking. Every case is different and would have to be determined by the surgeon and physical therapist. Then modest amounts of exercise can be introduced usually starting with simple stretches and isometrics. These can help circulation and prevent blood clots as well as prevent atrophy of muscles. No special equipment is needed and exercises are made safe to the abdominal region. Physical therapists can also utilize techniques to assist with softening scar tissue during this time. 

Hernia repairs are one of the most common procedures performed by general surgeons. The procedure allows the patient the ability to ‘re-stabilize” their core, which the patient was likely lacking the ability to do when they had the hernia. Patient should now be able to restore normal function.

Physical therapists can help patients with abdominal surgery in several ways: 

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques-Abdominal procedures can often impact normal breathing in patients. Also, prolonged periods of time being bed bound with more severe surgeries can also affect breathing patterns. 

2. Desensitization Techniques-Hypersensitivity around incision area or rigidity or “hard” scar tissue can be assisted by physical therapy intervention. 3. Stretches-As name suggests, taking tight tissues and making them more pliant to allow normal function. 

4. Exercises-Gradual strengthening to normalize posture and allow patients to return to normal activities. 

Studies have shown that intervention with a physical therapist after abdominal surgery improves overall health and lowers risk of future problems. If you have any questions please contact Advanced Rehabilitation and speak with one of our physical therapists.


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